S.I.T.A.R. Campania

It is hereby communicated that the Resolution no. 45 of 28/02/2014 of the Regional Executive Board of Campania, that partially amends the Resolution no. 967 of 06/06/2008, established that:

  • Monitoring activities (article 7, paragraph 4 of the Legislative Decree no.163/2006) of public procurements of works, services and supply under the responsibility of local and regional contracting authorities and commissioning bodies, shall be guaranteed by the SIMOG system of the Authority for the Supervision of public procurements of works, services and supply, at the website www.avcp.it; this also applies to the contracts whose registration in underway at the SITAR Campania;
  • Publication (article 66 of the Legislative Decree no.163/2006) of calls, announcements for public procurements of works, services and supply under the responsibility of local and regional contracting authorities and commissioning bodies shall be guaranteed through the website www.serviziocontrattipubblici.it at the Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport;
  • Publication of planning acts (article 128 of the Legislative Decree no. 163/2006), under the responsibility of local and regional contracting authorities and commissioning bodies, shall be guaranteed through the website www.serviziocontrattipubblici.it at the Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport.