Separate collection of waste
By separate waste collection we mean “the collection apt to gather urban waste in homogeneous product parts, including humid organic waste, destined to reuse, recycling and reclamation of material. The humid organic part is collected separately or by reusable containers or by certified biodegradable bags”.
Therefore, Urban Waste includes:
a) domestic waste, bulky waste included, deriving from places used as residential building;
b) non-hazardous waste, deriving from places used in ways other than those under letter a), assimilated to urban waste for its quantity and quality, according to article 198, paragraph 2, letter g);
c) waste deriving from street sweeping;
d) waste of any nature and origin, lying on streets or public areas, or on private streets and areas for public use or on sea and lake beaches and along riverbanks;
e) vegetable waste deriving from green areas, such as gardens, parks and graveyards;
f) waste deriving from exhumation and disentombment, as well as other waste deriving from cemeterial activities other than those under letters b, e.
By Assimilated Urban Waste we mean, on the contrary, the waste deriving from productive activities that the Municipality arranges to assimilate to urban waste, for its quantity and quality, by municipal regulation, adopted according to the Legislative Decree 152/06 and subsequent modifications and integrations, art. 198, paragraph 2.
Art. 5 paragraph 4 of the Decree of the Regional Government 638/2009 establishes that the certification of the percentage of Solid Urban Waste (R.S.U.) separate collection takes place with the standard certification method of the percentages of separate collection of urban waste of Regione Campania, approved by the Decree of the Undersecretary of State of 14/11/2008 n. 5723.
The importance of the certification of the percentage of Solid Urban Waste separate collection is confirmed by art.1 paragraph 6 of the Legislative Decree 196/2010, amended by Law 1/2011, which decreed that “in case of a failed respect by Municipalities of the minimum objectives of separate waste collection as fixed by art. 11 paragraph 1 of the Legislative Decree n. 90 of 23/5/2008 (25% on 31/12/2009, 35% on 31/12/2010, 50% on 31/12/2011), amended by Law 123/2008, as certified by Regione Campania, the Prefect warns the defaulting Municipality to get its separate collection system in order, granting it the final deadline of 6 months, failing which the Prefect begins the procedure of appointing a commissioner ad acta”.