Sewage System in Scafati and Boscoreale, Agreement for Funding Eligibility

Sewage System in Scafati and Boscoreale, Agreement for Funding Eligibility

Regional Minister for Public Works and Soil Conservation of Regione Campania Edoardo Cosenza, who has been made responsible for the strategic coordination of major projects by President Caldoro stated: “The Management Decrees for funding eligibility to release the required funds to start implementation works for the sewage systems in Scafati and Boscoreale which will definitely help the purification of the river Sarno, have been signed. This action shows how the Regional Executive Board led by President Caldoro is keeping its commitments. The resolution for the acceleration of expenditure approved by the Regional Executive Board made the funding possible”.

“The works, whose total amount is 23 million €, will allow the two Municipalities not to pour their sewage in an uncontrolled way into the river Sarno; moreover, they will immediately start: tenders have been already completed and the businesses involved already formally committed to starting works within a month. These are actions that are pivotal for depollution of the river Sarno: the sewage systems of concerned areas serve a total of 200 thousand people and will be connected to collectors that lead to purification systems of Foce Sarno (that will serve Boscoreale) and Scafati – Sant’Antonio Abate (that will serve Scafati).  

“These actions follow the understanding signed by President Caldoro with Arcadis, the Regional Agency for Soil Conservation, for the building of sewage systems in Boscoreale, Scafati, Siano and Calvanico, for a total amount of 37 million €. The required decrees for the works that concern the areas of Siano (over 3 million €) and Calvanico (approximately 1 million 300thousand €), as well as another part in Scafati (approximately 9 million €), will be signed shortly.

In details, the two actions funded concern the completion of the first section of the sewage system of Scafati, with a 19 million € funding, and the completion of the sewage system of Boscoreale, with a 4 million and 100 thousand € funding. All works will complete the so-called 'Piano Jucci': the works of these four Municipalities, the only ones not to be funded by the then-Commissioner, have been stopped by the Executive Board led by Caldoro and are included in the general plan for the purification of the river Sarno. Currently, in many sections of the river, especially in the Alto Sarno area, purification has achieved 100% completion: if pollution is still there, it means that there are some illegal drains, there are those who pollute and I am sure that a serious monitoring is needed, already established by the Major Project Sarno, to find possible responsibilities and criminally punish offenders.

Mr Cosenza concluded: “The works will be implemented by the Regional Agency for Soil Conservation (Arcadis), that goes on completing the purification system of the river. This remarkable action is part of the wider policy carried out by the Regional Executive Board led by Caldoro for the river Sarno, who, besides the purification issue, is facing, through the Major Project, the water protection to implement safety settings for 835 hectares of land and 43 thousand people: we aim at making the river safe from overflowing and clean, at last”.