SMART POWER SYSTEM, for renewable energy

The technological centre operates in the sector of Renewable energy. It aims at the competitive consolidation of the region for the development and transfer of technological and scientific knowledge about the use and integration in the electrical networks of advanced technologies for the generation and accumulation of energy in a distributed way, according to the paradigm “Smart Grid”. 

The aims of the Centre is represented by the pursuit of 7 areas of action. In particular, as for Research the main issues are:

  • Smart Grid
  • Energy valorisation
  • Renewable sources
  • Micro Grid
  • Fuel cells
  • Energy saving and environmental sustainability
  • Geothermics.


Important industrial organisations are part of the Centre SMART POWER SYSTEM (Ansaldo Energia, BECAR, Brandoni solare, Comecart, D’Appolonia, Enel, Enel Green Power, GETRA Distribution, GETRA Power, ICOTEKNE, Italdata, MBDA, Opera 21, Terna) with a large number of SMEs: A.E.T., ADAPTIVE ARC, Airwave, Aitron, Assoknowledge servizi, ASTER, ATES, AVA, Biomass Engineering, Business Solution, CAE, CEA, Certitec, CIDSoftware, COELMO, COMEA, Cons. Technologies, Consorzio S.G.I., COPIN, CRIAC, CROSSENERGY, Digitech, DITRON, ECU, Eolpower group, EURO.SOFT, GP Power, Graded, GREEN ENERGY PLUS, Guascor, Hagitron, HAGITRON, Hagitron, IURO,, Magaldi Power, MAGSYSTEM EUROPE, Mecoser sistemi, MIA, MINERVA, Newtak, PROENG, Protom, Pyromex, RES NOVA DIE, S.R.S. ENGINEERING, SO.T.ECO., SOFCPOWER, SPRING OFF, STAR, SUDGEST AMBIENTE SCARL, Taknow Mind, TECHNOS, Tecnikabel-Minerva, Tecnosistemi, TES ENERGY SYSTEMS, TROIANI&CIARROCCHI, TWR-Ecologia Informatica, Upg. Services, Vitrociset, WATERFRONT FLEGREO S.P.A, WATTSUD L. e P., Westend), important academic institutions (Università di Napoli “Federico II”; Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”; Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli; Università degli Studi di Salerno; Università degli Studi del Sannio) in addition to specialies research centres (CNR; ENEA; INGV).