Social security cushions by way of derogation, the first decrees 2013 authorised
The concession of social security cushions by way of derogation of Regione Campania for the first term has been authorised. The firms concerned are 687, for a total amount of 14,290 workers involved. At the moment, the annual requirement total amount remains basically in line with the funds spent in 2012, which was about 160 millions. In the next days the decree will be transmitted to INPS (National Social Welfare Institution) to proceed with the distribution. Joining the interinstitutional taskforce, the Regional Administrations of Employment of the provinces of Avellino, Benevento, Caserta, Naples and Salerno, the regional Inps, the Regional Direction for Employment, Italia Lavoro, Confindustria Campania, the Industrial Union of Avellino, Caserta and Salerno, Confapi-Campania, Casartigiani, Confcooperative, Unimpresa, Cgil, Cisl, Uil, Ugl. Furthermore, during the meeting, the necessity has been repeated that the national Government, in raising the sources of funding for the system of social security cushions by way of derogation, must not count the specific funding (200 million Euros) that Regione Campania has approved within the Cohesion Action Plan, as in this case they are special resources which, together with the social parties, the Executive Board led by Caldoro has decided to allocate to the safety of our workers, and which have nothing to do with national funds.