Support for Development of Associations of Campania Municipalities

Four workshops to meet local Authorities in April

01/04/2014 - A series of meetings  for local authorities to support the development of associations of Campania Municipalities. The Regional Administration for Local Autonomies of Regione Campania, supported by Formez PA, promotes the meetings designed for the officers of the Campania Municipalities to be held in Naples at the Auditorium of Regione, located in via Don Bosco 9/E, from 9,00 to 15,00.

Please find below the calendar of the four workshops:

  • 8 April 2014: Municipalities of the Province of Avellino;
  • 9 April 2014: Municipalities of the Province of Benevento;
  • 10 April: Municipalities of the Province of Salerno;
  • 16 April: Municipalities of the Province of Caserta and Naples         


  • Spending  review and compulsory development of associations for small Municipalities (D.L. 95/2012);
  • Compulsory development of associations and European Union Planning 2014/2020;
  • Compulsory development of associations and local Development Systems or subsets as “organization framework”.  

The activity is part of the ESF Campania Regional Operational programme for the period 2007-2013, Axis VII – Institutional Capacity
The actions are included in Line 6 of the Programme, designed for the enhancement of local development systems

Contact details:
Manager representing Regione Campania: Paola Canneva - extension +39(0)81 7962141 / 8389
Manager representing Formez: Clelia Fusco – +39(0)81 5250302