Technological Innovation in Transportation Systems (INSIST)

Open call for 2 scholarships for projects in the Automotive and Aerospace sectors.

The deadline is 28 February 2013.

The public competition for the assignment of the scholarships is announced by the company Step Sud Mare srl, which joined the partnership for the realisation of the project INSIST, signed among the various promoters represented by Universities, Research Centres and Firms.

The two scholarships are related to research activities at Step Sud Mare srl in the following subject area:

- Technological Innovation in Transportation Systems, and for the following activities, respectively: Action Line 1 - STEP_SUD_MARE_1.1_a: Development and methodologies for the improvement of vehicle performances. Methodologies and instruments for the product/process development of components and automotive systems.

The scholarships have a duration of 12 months. The total gross annual amount for each scholarship is 13.089,15 Euros.