Terra dei fuochi, Go-ahead for the aerial remote sensing

Terra dei fuochi, Go-ahead for the aerial remote sensing

The agreement for the collaboration between Regione Campania and the Campania Maritime Authority for the aerial remote sensing has been signed, in order to locate from above anomalies and critical environmental situations concerning both the sea-coast and the rivers, thanks to the instruments possessed by the air platform of the Port Authority-Coast Guard.

This service can also be practically applied to fight the phenomenon of waste burning. In fact, it will be used to locate from above who is devastating the so called “Terra dei fuochi” also in the act.

The activity will be carried out together with the competent Public Prosecutors.

“We are sure that the Government’s presence will also function as a deterrent for environmental crimes”, said Giovanni Romano, Regional Minister for the Environment of Regione Campania.

“In few days – ha added – the agreement will be ratified by Regione Campania and the Port Authority, and time and manner of the action will be defined in detail. The airplane used will be mainly an Atr42”.

“The Guard’s satisfaction – declared admiral Antonio Basile, Campania maritime director – goes beyond the economical point of view: we are especially proud of giving a tangible contribution to the fight against the eco-criminality that is devastating our region, causing serious risks for the citizens’ health. The aerial monitoring activity will permit to collect a series of data that will be later decoded and elaborated in order to render the accurate photography of possible anomalies. In this way we give our support to the fight against environmental crimes”, Basile concludes.