Terra dei Fuochi, Resolution against waste burnings approved

The Regional Executive Board has approved a resolution containing a bill on the prevention and fight against the uncontrolled phenomenon of the abandonment of waste and the practice of illegal waste burning. The bill is the outcome of the cooperation of the Regional Administration for the Environment of Regione Campania, the subprefect Cafagna, appointed by the Minister for the Interior for the “Terra dei Fuochi”, and the “Terra dei Fuochi” Committee.
The text includes the first special measures for the prevention and fight against the phenomenon of the abandonment and burning of waste. They are measures directed at a better protection of the citizens’ health and of the region’s environmental and landscape heritage.
Among the measures considered, the institution by the Municipalities of a the land register for the areas concerned with the abandonment and the waste burning; exclusion, loss and revocation of benefits, allocations and funding in case of sentences for crimes related to the phenomena in question; census of the sites for the storage of waste; collection, safety setting, prevention of abandonment and of uncontrolled deposit of waste containing asbestos; volunteer surveillance and limitations for the so-called noxious factories.
Furthermore, the bill follows the allocation of 5 million Euros in support of the local communities in order to oppose the phenomenon through actions aimed to improve the control over the territory and to prevent waste burnings.
“Regione Campania – declared the Regional Minister for the Environment, Giovanni Romano – actually demonstrates the will to face illegality, also by means of law and within the limits of its competences, fighting the crimes that compromise the citizens’ safety and health, and seriously damage the regional economy in areas of high-quality agricultural production.