Ultrawide Bandwidth in Campania

Following the Programme Agreement signed between Regione Campania and the Ministry of Economic Development, the Call for an investment project aimed at the realisation of ultrawide bandwidth infrastructures in Campania has been published.

The deadline for offers is 1 pm on 23 September 2013.

The call is financed with the funds ROP-ERDF Campania 2007-2013 for an amount of 122,4 million Euros, and places itself within the National Strategic Project for Ultrawide Bandwidth. As a result of this action, by 2015 32% of the total amount of houses in Campania will be connected with at least a 30 Mbps service. We also have to consider the autonomous plans of the private operators which envisage regional coverage for further 21%.

Look at the call in the Italian Official Journal
(GURI 5a Special Series – Public Contracts n. 73 of 24-6-2013)
The selection procedure is managed by Infratel Italia S.p.A. via an online platform accessible at www.gareinfratel.it
For further information
Register for the selection procedure