Urgent Works for Regional Aqueducts Repairs

Through decree no. 230 of 18/02/2014, published in the Journal no. 13 of 24 February 2014 the Directorate General for the Environment and Ecosystem made the Decree no. 35 of 17/01/2014 void – and submitted a new notice to make a list of economic referral operators for extremely urgent or urgent works for regional aqueducts repairs.

List Sections:

  • A-1 Water Works - pipes in reinforced concrete up to Nominal Pipe Size 500mm and steel pipes up to Nominal Pipe Size 800mm;
  • A-2 Water Works - pipes in reinforced concrete over Nominal Pipe Size 500mm and steel pipes over Nominal Pipe Size 800mm;
  • B electromechanical works;
  • C electric works.

Please address your application to:
Giunta Regionale della Campania – Direzione Generale per l'Ambiente e l'Ecosistema, Unità Operativa Dirigenziale Impianti e Reti del Ciclo Integrato delle Acque di Regionale, Via De Gasperi, 28, - 80134 Napoli", hand delivery available on: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10.00 to 12.00.

Applicants can email their submissions by Certified E-mail (PEC) to: dg.05@pec.regione.campania.it

Application Deadline:
by 12.00 of 28 April 2014

More instructions:
Businesses that have already submitted their application in compliance with the void notice, can ignore a new application if documents support requirements of the new notice;
