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Campania 2020 Workshop, Statements by President Stefano Caldoro

Campania 2020 Workshop, Statements by President Stefano Caldoro

Statements by President of the Regional Executive Board Stefano Caldoro, on the occasion of the two-day conference “Campania 2020 – Regional Internationalisation: Main Characters, Critical Issues and Opportunities”, held at the Grand Hotel Oriente of Naples. The workshop aims at fostering the debate and exchange among the main characters of the regional internationalisation, examining critical areas and strategic opportunities. Particularly, the programme will focus on: European partnership as for water innovation, planning and implementation of European projects, internationalisation programme of Regione Campania, and the need to merge healthcare, social services and third sector in order to promote networking to back internationalisation

Campania 2020 Workshop, Statements by President Stefano Caldoro