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Online Scientific Library, Stefano Caldoro Interviewed

Online Scientific Library, Stefano Caldoro Interviewed

President of the Regional Executive Board of Campania Stefano Caldoro attended the starting ceremony of the new online scientific refreshment platform launched by the Association of Medical Doctors, Surgeons and Dentists of Naples and its province. He stated: “A very good intuition since it gives MDs a continuous training with one of the richest world data bank. I think that broader platforms may be built on such initiatives, implemented also through European funds”. He also said he welcomes of hiring procedures for healthcare positions. Mr Caldoro pointed out: “Regione Campania has 10 thousand staff units less and this is not the way to have a successful healthcare. We recovered finances and with the commitment of Minister Lorenzin we are working to not let regions with recovery plans to be endangered by turnover block”. Professor Brian Alper, medical director of Clinical reference and consumer Health Products of Ebsco and Professor at the Columbia University and Franco di Bello, Ebsco regional manager, besides President Caldoro and Mr Zuccarelli, President of the Association of Medical Doctors, Surgeons and Dentists of Naples and its province, attended the event.

Online Scientific Library, Stefano Caldoro Interviewed