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Aerial Surveys to Chase Environmental Crimes

Aerial remote sensing started on 8 November when Regione Campania and the Corps of Harbour Masters signed the agreement.

The activity aims at detecting environmental irregularities and criticalities of surface waters (internal, transitional and marine and coastal), in order to prevent and fight waste burning, too.

Monitoring and checking take place by aircrafts of the Corps of Harbour Masters - Coastguard. In details, ATR 42 MP aircrafts equipped with the most cutting-edge environmental remote sensing technological tools are used.

For a further effectiveness, monitoring “ground” campaigns have been planned to assess and examine remote surveys. Through the support of ARPAC (Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Campania) and LAM (Environmental Mobile Lab) of the Corps of Harbour Masters, it will be also possible to carry out surveys and sampling for special irregularities as for their quantity and extension.

Whatch the video: Agreement on remote sensing

Agreement on Remote Sensing