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Cinema, Napoli Film Festival about to start

Cinema, Napoli Film Festival about to start

This autumn begins with high quality cinema. We’ll start on the 26th of November until the 6th of October. From the Metropolitan to the Insitut Français de Naples, going through the Cervantes Institute and the Università Suor Orsola Benincasa.

This is the fifteenth edition. The form adopted is the already well-established one, but with some changes of quality. Theme evenings dedicated to the great names of Italian cinema, events and lectures, retrospectives and first runs.

Among the protagonists,Sergio Rubini, Francesca Neri, Vincenzo Marra, Milena Vukotic, just to mentions some of the names.

The ribbon cutting is entrusted to a movie marathon: 40 years after Anna Magnani’s death, three films remember the career of the Roman actress. With the participation of Valerio Caprara, film critic and president of the Film Commission Regione Campania.

On the 30th of September, Giovani Ribelli grabs the spotlight. It is the first full-length film by John Krokidas, with Daniel Radcliffe, also winner of the “Giornate degli Autori” at the last Mostra del Cinema di Venezia.

Parole di Cinema” are commended to Augusto Sainati, who on the occasion summons Moscati, Marra, Dieutre, Scarpelli, Vukotic. The series of events Fare Cinema is focused instead on the various moments in the realization of a film, from pre-production to post-production. Lessons with Maurizio Gemma, Stefano Incerti, Mario Amura, Gaetano di Vaio.

For the great classics the baton is passed to Federico Fellini, Ernst Lubitsch, Luis Bunel and Bigas Luna.

Room is left, as usual, to Europe, with six international works left out of the Italian production circuit.

Furthermore, Schermo Napoli is back, the section dedicated to short films and documentaries by young filmmakers from Campania.

On the agenda also the Napoli Film Festival Sliding, soirée dedicated to showings of last edition’s winners.

Info and more details at