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Infoday “Startup del sud”: regional, national and international strategies, instruments and opportunities

Regione Campania, through Campania Innovazione S.p.A. – Regional Agency for the Promotion of Research and Innovation, organizes an informative day in Naples about the recent interventions of the Government for new businesses, innovative startups and certified business incubators. The meeting will be held on 23 July 2013 at the complex of Monte Sant’Angelo of the University of Naples Federico II.

The event will be dedicated to the presentation of the regional, national and international strategies and instruments for startups. In particular, it will be illustrated the new regime for the help to the enterprises of the South – which could be acceded from September 4 – and which provides for available financial resources equal to 190 million Euros. Following a focus on the requisites, benefits and modalities to access to the Guarantee Fund for innovative startups and certified incubators, and on the new regulations for the S.r.l.s and the startups included in the recent Employment Decree.