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Call for Proposals Measure 125 of the Rural Development Programme "Management of water resources in agriculture mainly for irrigation"

AGC (General Coordination Area) Primary Sector Development has adopted the call for proposals for the implementation of Measure 125 of Rural Development Programme for the period 2007-2013 "Infrastructure related to the development and adaptation of agriculture and forestry " – Sub measure 1 " Management of water resources in agriculture mainly for irrigation”

Total financial appropriation for Measure 125 sub measure 1 is 50,000,000 Euros.

Eligible Beneficiaries: this call is open to all Land Reclamation Authorities as holders of a concession to design, implement and manage land reclamation public works.

The “Settore Interventi sul Territorio Agricolo, Bonifiche ed Irrigazioni” (ITABI- Sector for Action on Agricultural Land, Reclamation and Irrigation) is the implementing party involved.

Proposals with supporting documents to be submitted to “Sviluppo Attività Settore Primario Assessorato all’Agricoltura Regione Campania - Settore Interventi sul Territorio Agricolo, Bonifiche ed Irrigazioni, Centro Direzionale di Napoli Isola A6 - 80143 Napoli”.

Application forms for support grants will be available on the Regione Campania Portal

This call will close on 01 July 2013 at 12.00.00.