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Competition for two annual research scholarships

The open competion by qualifications and interview for two annual research scholarships is announced by the company Fiat Information Technology, Excellence and Methods S.p.A. (FIAT ITEM) within the Project "Nuovi Paradigmi e Tecnologie per la Collective Knowledge nell’e-Society"funded by Regione Campania within ROP Campania ESF 2007-2013, Axis IV and V – Public call for the "Development of networks of excellence among Universities – Research Centres - Firms".

The scholarships are destined to research activities at the company FIAT ITEM, premises of Pomigliano d’Arco (NA), in the following subject:
Development of planning methodologies for the management and reuse of knowledge based on web 3.0 technology applied in the automotive sector:

  • in Augmented Reality – Scholarship n.1;
  • in the planning and development of innovative systems for the creation of customised learning experiences - Scholarship n.2

Participants can be Italian or EU citizens, born and/or resident in Campania, unemployed, with the following requisites:

  • Scholarship n. 1: degree in IT, Computer/Electronic/Mechanical Engineering; preferential qualifications are the knowledge of  C, C++, Phyton and Maya programming, of the development environment Android - Google and a basic knowledge of computer graphic/virtual reality.
  • Scholarship n. 2: degree in IT, Computer Engineering; preferential qualifications are the knowledge of organizational learning, e-learning authoring systems, web technologies and basic knowledge of Product Data Management for the management of the product life cycle.

In both cases a good knowledge of English is required.

Duration and grant:
Each scholarship lasts 12 months. The gross monthly income is about 1.360 Euros.

Application procedure:
The application, written on unstamped paper, must be handed in or sent by mail to Fiat Item S.p.A., c/o comprensorio CRF Pomigliano Center, via ex aeroporto s.n., cap. 80038 Pomigliano d’Arco (NA), by 2.30 pm on 12 August 2013.

For all details:

For further information contact:
Roberta Buonajuto – Giacomo Fecondo
ICT Engineering Methods and Services
Phone 081 196 95 347 – 196 95 356