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Development of Networks of Excellence: assignment of annual scholarship

A public competitionis announced by Fiat Information Technology, Excellence and Methods S.p.A (ITEM) within the Project "Embedded Systems in Critical Domains", financed by Regione Campania within the ROP Campania ESF 2007-2013, Axis IV and V – Public notice for the "Development of networks of excellent among Universities – Research Centres - Firms".

The activities of the annual scholarship is related to the following topic:

  • Development of embedded software for devices in the automotive sector with human-machine interface and tool supporting the development activities

Italian or EU citizens, born or resident in Campania, unemployed, and possessing the following requisites:

  • Degree in IT, Computer/Electronic Engineering; preferential qualifications will be knowledge or short experience in embedded environments.

A good knowledge of English and object-oriented programming (Java, C, C++) is requested.

Duration and grant:
The overall duration of the scholarship is 12 months. The research activities will be carried out at FIAT ITEM, premises of Pomigliano d'Arco (NA).
The amount of the scholarship is € 1.360,00 for 12 months (€ 16.320), paid by Fiat Item SpA in deferred monthly instalments. The current fiscal regulation will be applied to the scholarships, and, as for social security, the ones according to article 2, paragraphs 26 and ff., of Law 8 August 1995, n. 335.

Application submission:
The application, written on unstamped paper and using the specific application form, must be delivered in person or sent by mail to Fiat Item SpA, c/o comprensorio CRF Pomigliano Center, via ex aeroporto sn, CAP 80038 Pomigliano d'Arco (Na), by 2.30 pm on 10 December 2013. If delivered in person, applications can be submitted by candidates, by the deadline mentioned above, from 12.30 am to 2.30 pm. If sent by mail, the stamp of the Post Office will not attest the date. Please attach to the application form a detailed CV, properly signed by the candidate, and any other document relevant to the evaluation.


For further details look at:

For further information contact:
Roberta Buonajuto
ICT Engineering Methods and Services
Phone 081 196 953 56