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Innovazione ICT Campania Award

Open applications to the Innovazione ICT SMAU Campania Award.

Eligible to the award projects based on the use of digital technologies, realised or in progress, by companies of Campania.

On the occasion of a stop in Naples – scheduled on 12 and 13 December 2013 – Smau presents the Innovazione ICT Campania Award, with the aim of increasing the value of the most successful cases of companies and public authorities which successfully innovated their business thanks to digital technologies.

The Innovazione ICT Award is an event launched by the Smau-School of Management Observatory to support innovation culture in the business world: the aim is the creation of a virtuous cycle of sharing experiences of excellence, with particular reference to Italian SMEs, which too often do not fully receive profit from the adoption of modern technologies as a tool to increase their competitiveness.

The Innovazione ICT Campania Award is reserved to user companies and public authorities of Campania and adjacent regions that have developed innovative projects thanks to digital technologies.

The prize will be awarded within the following subject areas: Architecture IT, Big Data and Business Analytics, Business Intelligence and CRM, eCommerce, Electronic Invoicing and dematerialisation, Information security, Marketing Digitale, Mobile&Wireless, Integrated Management Systems, Smart Working and advanced communication systems, Social Commerce.

The application form can be found at:

The deadline for applications is 13 November 2013.