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Integrated Implementation Plan for Waste Prevention

The meeting of the Regional Partnership Taskforce to be held on 12 November 2013 at 15.00 at the headquarters of the Regional Executive Board located in Via Marina, 19c (Sala Armieri, 1st Floor) will feature the following agenda:

  1. Completion of the public consultation stage and submission of the new version of the “Integrated Implementation Plan for Waste Prevention”; 
  2. Miscellaneous.

Regional Minister for Waste Planning and Management MP Giovanni Romano will attend the meeting.


01/10/2013 – On 27 September 2013, a draft of the Integrated Implementation Plan for Waste Prevention has been submitted to the Regional Taskforce of the Social and Economic Partnership; it has been published in the Journal no. 51 of 20 September 2013. 

Anyone can see the documents and submit, by 20 October 2013, their remarks and amendments, as well as supply new and additional information and assessment elements.

Remarks shall be submitted by stating in the object "Osservazioni al Piano di prevenzione dei rifiuti" (Remarks about the Plan for Waste Prevention) to the e-mail addresses and

Paper documents can be consulted at the Sector for the Environment of the provincial offices and at the regional office of the General Coordination Area 21.
