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Limestone Quarry Rehabilitation in Taverna San Felice (Municipality of Presenzano)

The first session of the Services Conference has been called on 6 March 2013 at 10.00 at the Civil Engineering Sector of Caserta, located in via Cesare Battisti no. 30. It has been called to acquire all the opinions, clearance certificates, consents and authorizations, howsoever called, concerning the “Limestone Quarry Rehabilitation and Safety Procedures Implementation in the area of Taverna San Felice”, in the Municipality of Presenzano (Caserta), submitted by the company “Di Gasparro Alberto” (in compliance with art. 24 paragraph 3 and art. 89 paragraphs 4 and 5, of the Laws for the Implementation of the Regional Plan for Extractive Activities”.

The documents and the project drafts concerning the above mentioned intervention are lodged at the Ufficio Cave, in Via Cesare Battisti no. 30, third floor.

The Officer in charge of the Procedure is Nicola Di Benedetto, Executive of the Civil Engineering Sector of Caserta. For any information, please contact geologist Rita Mele; her office is located on the third floor of the regional premises located in via Cesare Battisti no. 30; e-mail: (preferably), phone number +39(0)823/553301, fax number +39(0)823/553210.

Please find here attached the call notice of the Services Conference.