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Open Notices for Personnel Selection

The National Institute for the Study and Treatment of CancersFondazione Pascale” of Naples announced open calls for personnel selection:

  • Open notice, based on qualifications and interview to agree 6 individual fixed term contracts as Physicians for (alleged max. duration is three years, strictly connected to decisions and relevant procedures for the same permanent positions):
    - 1 Physician for the Department of Thoracic Oncology;
    - 1 Physician for the Department of Anatomical Pathology and Cytopathology;
    - 1 Physician for the Unit of Skeletal and Muscle Oncological Surgery that is part of the Department for Melanoma, Soft tissues, Skeletal and Muscle System and Head and Neck;
    - 1 general Physician for the Department of Abdominal Oncological Surgery;

 2 Physicians for the Department of Radio-diagnostics and Interventional Radiology;

  • Open Competition based on qualifications and examination for 2 positions as Physicians for the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and ENT of the hospital.;
  • Open notice for national voluntary transfer before competition, based on qualifications and interview, among Businesses and Authorities of the Healthcare Sector (in compliance with article 20 of the National Collective Labour Contract of medical management and article 30 of the Legislative Decree no. 165/2001 and subsequent modifications and additions) for the permanent full time positions as:
    - 2 Physicians for the Department of Thoracic Oncology;
    - 1 Physician for the Department of Urologic Oncology;
    - 1 Physician specialized in Endocrinology for the Department of Nuclear Medicine and Metabolic Therapy.

Please find full information about deadlines and eligibility criteria of single notices on the website: