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Promotion and Support to the Regional Book Publishing and Local Information

The Regional Law n. 13 of 06/09/2013 has been published on the Official Journal of Regione Campania n. 49 of 9/09/2013. The subject of the Law is “Promotion and Support to the Regional Book Publishing and Local Information”.

The applications, according to art. 4 "Modalities and time for submissions”, must be sent by 31/10/2013 (the stamp will attest the date) to the following address: Regione Campania - Settore Cultura, Sport e Spettacolo - Via Nuova Marina, 19/C- 80143 Napoli.

The applications for the funds for publishing activities for 2014 will be considered on condition of the actual allocation in the Budget’s chapter related to the Regional Law 13/2013, as it is also recalled in art. 18 of the same law.

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