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Selection of innovative ideas in the sectors of energy efficiency and energy production from alternative energy sources

"Creative Clusters Green Technology" is a call to collect the best ideas in the energy sector and support them with innovation services and business creation, in order to foster start-ups’ development and institution.

The aim is to stimulate and promote planning skills, in supporting business ideas in the sectors of energy efficiency and energy production from alternative sources, for the economic development of the regional system.

The selection intends to increase the value of highly creative proposals, in the creation of innovative products and processes able to improve the economic development from the energy point of view in the following sectors:

  • Air and Environment
  • Smart Grid
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Wind Energy
  • Biofuel
  • Solar Energy Solare
  • Energy Storage
  • Materials
  • Transportation
  • Water
  • Other Renewable Sources

Proposals can represent different kinds of products, services and processes, included the improvement of existing technologies as for energy efficiency and renewable energies.

The call is destined to:

  • Natural persons
  • Innovative Startups (also legal entities)

Terms and requisites for applications can be found in the full call notice, available at: and