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Tax Credit to Hire Disadvantaged Workers in Campania

The list of applications for tax credit granting has been approved through the Management Decree no. 3 of 13/11/2013.

Adjustments available from 25 November.


01/10/2013 - The fourth list of submissions for tax credit granting has been approved through the Management Decree no. 637 of 30/09/13. Adjustments available from 8 October 2013.


23/09/2013 – The new list of businesses benefiting from tax credit has been approved through the Management Decree no. 540 of 23/09/2013.

For new eligible credits, adjustments available from 30/09/2013.


06/08/2013 – The Management Decree no. 472 of 05/08/2013 that amends the Management Decree no. 445 of 30/07/2013 has been approved.


31/07/2013 - The Management Decree no. 444 of 30/07/2013 13, that activated the INAIL (National Institution for Insurance against Accidents at Work) reserve action, has been approved.

Moreover, the Management Decree no. 445/2013 concerning the starting of reserve action ex DPR 207/2010 and INPS Circular 54/2012 has been approved.


19/07/2013 – A new list for the tax credit has been approved through the Decree no. 409/13.

Credit adjustments available from 27 July 2013.


11/07/2013 – Deadline for tax credit adjustment, acknowledged to implement the Management Decree no. 633 of 24/08/2012, has been extended to 15 May 2015 as set forth in the article 2, paragraph 9 of the D.L. (Decree Law) no. 76 of 28 June 2013 “First urgent actions for the promotion of employment, especially of the youth, of cohesion, concerning VAT, and more urgent measures”.


25/06/2013 – The new lists of businesses which participated in the public call have been approved through the Decrees no. 354 and 353 of 19/06/2013.

Adjustments available from 28 June 2013, in compliance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Resolution no. 88/12 of the Agenzia delle Entrate (Italian Revenue Agency).


31/05/2013 – The new lists of businesses which participated in the open call have been approved through the Decree no. 314 of 31 May 2013 – to be soon published in the Official Journal. Adjustments available from 12 June 2013 in compliance with the Resolution no. 88/12 of the Agenzia delle Entrate.


22/04/2013 – The Decree no. 200 of 19/04/2013 which releases resources called off under the Decrees no. 1/2013, no. 34/2013 and no. 50/2013, has been approved. Credit adjustments available from 29 April 2013 in compliance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Circular no. 88/e 2012 of the Agenzia delle Entrate.


15/04/2013 – The Decree no. 175 of 10/04/13 to activate INPS (Italian National Social Welfare Institution) reserve action has been approved.

Moreover, through the Decree no. 174 of 10/04 /2013, the list of eligible businesses for tax credit that had been called off due to Anti-mafia laws during the preliminary stage has been approved. Credit adjustments available from 18 April 2013 in compliance with the resolution no. 88 of the Agenzia delle Entrate.


15/03/2013 – Please find as follows the measures adopted to amend the first two lists approved through the Management Decrees no. 1/2013 and no. 34/2013.


05/03/2013 – The Decree no. 34 of the 1 March 2013 has been published in the Official Journal no. 14 of 4 March 2013: "ESF Campania Regional Operational Programme for the period 2007-2013, Axis ii specific objective e), operational objective e3) – tax incentives to hire disadvantaged workers in Campania – tax credit".

The procedure to carry out for the credit adjustment is set forth in details in the Resolution of the Agenzia delle Entrate no. 88/2012.
The eligible tax credit may be offset from 18 March "only by submitting the F24 form to the collection agent where the beneficiary of the credit holds the tax account, as set forth in the Ministerial Decree of 28 December 1993 no. 567, stating the following tax code 3885 called: “Tax credit for new permanent employment in South Italy – article 2, DL no. 70/2011”.

Finally, possible amendments and re-examination requests, duly reasoned, shall be submitted through a certified email address to by 16 March 2013. 

Furthermore, please find in the excel attached files the “Identification codes of the granted credit” (column “A”) in order to allow the collection agent to check the right adjustments.


07/02/2013 – Through the Management Decree no. 2 of 6 February 2013, the attachment of the Management Decree no. 1 of 25/01/2013 has been amended. Furthermore, please find in the excel attached files the “Identification codes of the granted credit” (column “A”) in order to allow the collection agent to check the right adjustments.

Management Decree no. 2/2013


04/02/2013 – The Management Decree no. 1 of 25/01/2013 has been published in the Official Journal of 4 February 2013. Eligible credit adjustments will be available from 11 February 2013 in compliance with the detailed terms and conditions set forth in the Resolution no. 88/2012 of the Agenzia delle Entrate.


08/11/2012 - The Decree no. 777/2012b with the terms and conditions of the publication of rankings concerning the open call "Tax incentives for hiring of disadvantaged workers in Campania – Tax Credit” has been approved through the Management Decree no. 633 of 24/08/12.


27/8/2012 - Regione Campania launched the call "Tax credit".

This measure establishes a remarkable tax relief for those businesseswhich hired and will hire workers from May 2011 to May 2013, with a priority given to hiring occurred over the first year.

To date, Regione allocated 20 million resources. A further increase has been envisaged for future hiring. The incentive addresses all businesses, employers and professionals based in Campania. Funding eligibility criteria are chronologically and first-in based. In details, incentive will be given to those who hire the so-called “disadvantaged” workers: unemployed for more than six months, people with high school degree or vocational certificates, people over 50 and belonging to other groups considered disadvantaged.

From today, it will be possible for businesses to register on the website For this first stage, submissions will be possible from 10 September to 1 October 2012. Signing in the platform will be possible from 29 August 2012 to 1 October 2012.

Available in the Regional Official Journal (BURC):