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BEST Project Presentation, Caldoro: “Good Practice for Advanced Education”

BEST Project Presentation, Caldoro: “Good Practice for Advanced Education”

President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro presented the initiative Business Exchange and Student Training and said: “The BEST project is a good practice within those measures for advanced education”. Vice President of the Regional Executive Board Guido Trombetti, President of National Research Council Gino Nicolais, and USA Consul Colombia A. Barrose and Italian Business & Investment Initiative Founder and CEO Fernando Napolitano attended the presentation event held at the Sala Giunta of Palazzo Santa Lucia.

The Project, promoted by Invitalia and the Steering Committee, along with the experience of Fulbright Board, establishes the possibility for Italian young people who are under 35 with a University Degree or a PhD to obtain scholarships for a value of 35 thousand € to attend intensive Entrepreneurship and Management courses at the Californian University of Santa Clara and, then, to work for a start-up of the Silicon Valley to achieve proper skills to run their own businesses.

BEST Project Presented, President Stefano Caldoro’s Interview