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Caldoro at Seminar on Training and Scientific Research

Caldoro at Seminar on Training and Scientific Research

President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro has participated in the seminar “Knowledge Is Culture” arranged by Elaborando – Reforming Cultural Association at the Department of Law of the Federico II University of Naples. President of Elaborando Sergio Locoratolo, Adler Group CEO Paolo Scudieri, President of C.N.R. (National Research Council) Luigi Nicolais attended the conference, opened by Head of the Department Lucio De Giovanni.

On the agenda, competitiveness of productions systems, South Italy, the added value of the human capital. President Caldoro commented on the actions concerning training and education: “Campania is among the first regions as for investment in research and higher education and training”.

Caldoro Spoke about Training and Scientific Research