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Caldoro: "Campania, Benchmark for Re-use of Confiscated Criminal Assets"

Caldoro: "Campania, Benchmark for Re-use of Confiscated Criminal Assets"

"The visit of Pittella is the institutional message that Campania is a bencmark for good practices of reuse of confiscated camorra assets". These were the words of President of Regione Stefano Caldoro about the legality tour of Vice President of the European Parliament Gianni Pittella.
We asked the European Parliament to speed up the activity of EU directives, but we also expect a more concrete and stronger action to support good practices - Mr. Caldoro ended.

Besides Caldoro and Pittella, Naples Municipal councillor responsible for youth Alessandra Clemente and Paolo Siani, President of the Pol.i.s Foundation attended the press conference.

Mr. Pittella said:"Political and institutional representatives are pivotal to support legality and those associations who contrast mafia”. I saw in the eyes of many guys and girls fighting everyday the intention to exchange views with institutions”.

It is necessary to act as President Caldoro said, that is educating for legality - the EP Vice President followed. Another key factor is employment, since support companies that invest in South Italy should be supported. Let’s put it as a struggle, outsourcing to South Italy to get advantages. Confiscated assets can be used in this way. Moreover, we need to strengthen the National Agency and we hope we have the chance to use European funds available for confiscated assets, too - Mr. Pittella concluded.

Press Conference “Legality tour” of Gianni Pittella with Stefano Caldoro and Paolo Siani