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Caldoro: “Campania is the First Italian Region as for Employment Policies”

Caldoro: “Campania is the First Italian Region as for Employment Policies”

During the planning conference of the Campania UGL (General Labour Union) held at the Stazione Marittima of Naples President of the Regional Executive Board of Campania Stefano Caldoro stated: “I want to reassure citizens and Campania producers about the protection of health and food and agricultural products: all available resources will be used to carry out monitoring and reclamation actions, and we will ask the national Government special laws to face the whole problem in all possible related sectors, namely from the healthcare, environmental and occupational points of view”. 

Mr Caldoro added: “We have created the cancer register and started inspections and surveys as well as additional analyses; we must immediately take care of our citizens. We can start immediately with health care and prevention, the rest will be carried out with additional resources that no Italian citizen has”.

Then, the President, to answer some unemployed people in the room, pointed out that Campania is “the first Italian region as for employment policies, since it re-planned European funds, giving them mainly to environment and active policies to foster employment”. Mr Caldoro ended: “No region has done more than Campania as for exceptional redundancy funds and training apprenticeship”.

The paper approved by the planning Conference of the Campania UGL is mainly about environmental reclamation.

President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro, Regional Secretary Vincenzo Femiano, National UGL Executive Salvatore Ronghi and General Secretary Giovanni Centrella participated in the debate before the approval of the paper.
Several representatives from the employment sector and the institutions, such as President of the Province of Naples Antonio Pentangelo, Regional Secretaries of CGIL, CISL and UIL Tavella, Lucci and Rea and many representatives from the business and trade world attended the conference, too.


Planning Conference of UGL Campania, Speech by Stefano Caldoro