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Caldoro in Confindustria of Salerno: “Campania, No More Default Risk”

Caldoro in Confindustria of Salerno: “Campania, No More Default Risk”

President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro spoke during the public meeting of Confidustria of Salerno when he also presented the “new development pact” and said: “Campania does not run any longer the default risk”.

To make it real, President explained that “we have to exclude investments from the stability pact and strict European rules”. President Caldoro participated in a panel session with CEO of the Italian Investment Fund Gabriele Cappellini and CEO of Invitalia Domenico Arcuri and appreciated “the effort made by Unione Industriali (Employers’ Association) of Salerno and President Mauro Macauro to raise their voice during such a crisis moment”.

Mr Caldoro recalled the commitment to support the production system through the use of the European funds “as we did for the acceleration of expenditure to revamp our economy” or to give fresh air to businesses and support credit” concerning possible joint warranties that may be useful for alternative funding tool initiatives, even locally based.

As a matter of fact, the meeting, held at the “G. Verdi” Municipal Theatre of Salerno focused on territorial bond issue, and an agreement between Confindustria Salerno and Banca Sella has been undersigned for the issuing of 7.5 million € fixed rate subordinate bonds that will have to be placed within three months.

President Caldoro at Public Meeting of Confindustria Salerno