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Caldoro: “Reclamation, National Concern”

Caldoro: “Reclamation, National Concern”

He spoke about national emergency, pollution of the Northern area of Naples and reclamation of some areas of Campania. President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro this morning has spoken during the meeting of the Regional Council dedicated to the European funds and the Campania environmental issues.

During the meeting, the Governor has read some excerpts from the report of the Public Prosecutor that is investigating on the pollution of some areas of the Province of Naples. It will take approximately 80 years to reclaim the area.

Moreover, Caldoro gave his thanks to Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, for the proper attention paid to this issue.

Finally, the President spoke about the so-called Terra dei fuochi (Land of Fires), deeming it as a problem to be considered on its own and not included in the reclamation issue.

Caldoro’s Speech on Reclamation