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Campania 2020, Caldoro: “Additions and Partnerships to Participate in Major Research Programmes”

Campania 2020, Caldoro: “Additions and Partnerships to Participate in Major Research Programmes”

President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro has opened the two-day conference “Campania 2020 – Regional Internationalisation: main characters, critical issues and opportunities” that has started this morning at the Grand Hotel Oriente of Naples and stated: “After the delay suffered in the past, Campania is recovering but the procedures to follow with the Horizon 2020 commitments and the 2014-2020 planning will be not only national or regional. Additions and Partnerships with other Italian regions will be needed to participate in major research programmes”.

“Campania cannot be left isolated with its projects, as in the past, but to overcome the new challenges it has to join the others and be a benchmark. We are recovering and we have been acknowledged as some of the best research teams by Europe”.

Campania 2020 Workshop, Statements by President Stefano Caldoro