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Cilento, Caldoro: “With Mayors to Accelerate Expenditure and Methane Installation”

Cilento, Caldoro: “With Mayors to Accelerate Expenditure and Methane Installation”

President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro yesterday afternoon met the Mayors of the Cilento area at the Sala Giunta in Palazzo Santa Lucia. On the agenda, the acceleration of expenditure, the actions to implement to gain access to resources, the decree 35 (concerning the delay of payments by Public Administrations) and the methane installation.

Taking into consideration approximately 82 Municipalities, in the area of Cilento and Vallo di Diano, the commitment by 2015 will be between 150 and 200 million € to spend mainly on public works and school building activities.

“We have a major challenge to face as for the acceleration of expenditure. This is an action addressing mainly the Local Authorities, and especially the smaller Municipalities. We have resources, outside the Pact, that we can commit”.

During his speech, Mr Caldoro pointed out that the vast majority of the projects will be recovered and that we have to focus on those to finance now. Thus, together with the Mayors of the Cilento area it is now necessary to select the priorities and the strategic action areas.

Moreover, the President recalled the actions implemented to support the internal areas and the latest measures about the delay of payments by the Public Administrations. As a matter of fact, the accounting Department of Palazzo Santa Lucia has started paying many Municipal administrations in the last couple of hours.

Mr Caldoro concluded: “We have to focus on the institutional debate. This is the road to follow in the most difficult periods”.

Regional Minister for Public Works of Campania Edoardo Cosenza attended the conference, too. He pointed out: "We will have to foster those measures concerning soil conservation and environmental protection; and in order to accelerate expenditure, it is necessary to focus on works that can be immediately started and that can involve many Municipalities”.