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Ex Cirio Plant, Caldoro: "A Good Practice Acknowledged in Europe for Development of East Naples"

Ex Cirio Plant, Caldoro: "A Good Practice Acknowledged in Europe for Development of East Naples"

President Stefano Caldoro has visited the site of the ex Cirio plant in San Giovanni a Teduccio, in Naples. Here the new university centre with classrooms, labs, departments and research centres, such as the CNR (National Research Council) will open from January.

Together with regional Ministers for University Guido Trombetti, and for Public Works Edoardo Cosenza, with Dean of the University Federico II of Naples Massimo Marrelli and Vice Dean Gaetano Manfredi, this morning the Governor has visited the former factory to assess the progress of works.

The parts about to be completed are approximately 50% of the whole available area and will host from next January highly specialised University labs, national and international companies’ in-house labs that work with the Federico II University, University spin-offs and start-ups.

Mr Caldoro pointed out: "A Good Practice acknowledged in Europe for a district that is being revamped from the urban, housing and building point of view. This part of Naples, namely East Naples is brought back to life through university, youth and businesses”.

Once the works are completed, part of the activities of the Faculty of Engineering of the Federico II University will take place in the new centre located in San Giovanni a Teduccio, with approximately 6000 students and 500 people among teachers and researchers.

The new centre will be an advanced model of training, education and research thanks to the cooperation of the University and the CNR and public and private research businesses to generate training and education, research and economic development together.

A University Centre at ex Cirio Plant