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Horizon 2020, Caldoro: “Resources for health care are an opportunity for the years to come”

Horizon 2020, Caldoro: “Resources for health care are an opportunity for the years to come”

President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro has spoken in this morning debate “Sabato delle idee” held at Fondazione Sdn. President of CNR (National Research Council) Luigi Nicolais, President of the National Health Institute Fabrizio Oleari and Prof. Marco Salvatore participated in the panel session on the future of Healthcare, on the grounds of the European Horizon 2020 programme funds.

“Several resources that will be used for research and innovation and for the first time for healthcare”. This was the explanation given by President Caldoro about the use of resources under Horizon 2020 Programme for health care. “Resources will be used for health care. Not only for technologies, experimentations and research infrastructure , but also for life quality, prevention, local care management. Many sectors that Europe did not fund in the past, whereas now it will”.

President of CNR Luigi Nicolais stated: “Campania is at the forefront, compared with the other convergence regions. Campania triggered public and private research interactions and nowadays it is a best practice model for Europe”.

Horizon 2020, Caldoro: Research and Innovation for Health