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Integrated Public Healthcare, Caldoro: “Agreement to Help Most Vulnerable People”

Integrated Public Healthcare, Caldoro: “Agreement to Help Most Vulnerable People”

At the end of the meeting to sign the memorandum of understanding designed for migrants and vulnerable groups, President of the Regional Executive Board of Campania Stefano Caldoro stated: “This is the first integrated public healthcare action, where the beneficiaries are those who are disadvantaged. A pilot test that focuses on those people who need the most”.

The draft has been signed at the General Direction of the ASL Napoli 1 by President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro, Mayor of Naples Luigi De Magistris, General Director of ASL Napoli 1 Ernesto Esposito and Coordinator of Emergency Humanitarian Projects Pietro Parrino.

This memorandum sets forth the building of an health centre where migrants, poor and homeless people will be hosted and treated. The facility will be located in a Municipal building near Parco De Filippo, in the district of Ponticelli, in Naples and will be run by Emergency volunteers. The ASL Napoli 1 will ensure the constant presence of three medical doctors who will send patients to the local healthcare facilities, in case of need. 

Signature of Memorandum for Integrated Public Healthcare