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Mediterranean Diet, Caldoro. "Positive Culture to Give Tourism New Lease of Life in Usa too"

Mediterranean Diet, Caldoro. "Positive Culture to Give Tourism New Lease of Life in Usa too"

President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro chose Pollica, pride of the Cilento area, to make the region become a leader area of the Mediterranean Diet, recognized as Unesco world heritage.

Regione Campania focuses its action on the Mediterranean Diet to challenge the international tourist market. Expo 2015 and the next meeting of Italian-American Foundation Niaf to be held in Washington in October will be the two major visibility events. Arts, archaeology, and the agricultural and food sector will be the driving force.

Mr. Caldoro said: “Shortly, we will have two events we want to take advantage of as a showcase to promote our tourism”. The President continued: “The first event is in July at the Milan Expo where our excellences will be displayed. Our target is the leadership in the promotion of the Mediterranean Diet since nobody else has this right more than us and bearing in mind that there are those who embezzle it. The second event is invitation to Niaf as a guest region to be in Washington in October for the traditional meeting of the Italian-American Community that usually ends with the attendance of the US President. Two chances we are willing to seize to present Mediterranean Diet in such remarkable events. We want to spread this culture and its positive aspects and the Observatory will be able to show concrete suggestions”.

Along with Caldoro, president of the Observatory Vito Amendolara emphasized the importance of the Mediterranean Diet as a tool for development.

President of the National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano Amilcare Troiano participated in the meeting, too. Mayor of Pollica Stefano Pisani did the honours.

Mediterranean Diet, Interview with Caldoro