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Monaldi Hospital, Caldoro: “New 3D Operating Theatres"

Monaldi Hospital, Caldoro: “New 3D Operating Theatres"

Three new cutting-edge operating theatres, technologically advanced for 3D surgeries. This morning President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro has followed the first surgery carried out in the new theatres of the Monaldi Hospital in Naples.

General Manager of Azienda Ospedaliera dei Colli (Monaldi, Cotugno, CTO) Antonio Giordano, head of the surgery department of the Monaldi Hospital Francesco Corcione, and President of the V Healthcare Committee of the Regional Council of Campania Michele Schiano attended the event with President Caldoro.

Mr Caldoro pointed out: “Today we have visited a site of excellence, where technology, experience, scientific skills and operating ability are combined. A good practice to export to the national and international level.”

Mr Giordano added: “This is a clear example of possible good outcomes resulting from the cooperation among a public company, Regione and private businesses”.

Caldoro Opened Theatre Rooms at Monaldi