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New Production Line of EMA Plant Opened in Morra de Sanctis

New Production Line of EMA Plant Opened in Morra de Sanctis

The new area of the EMA (Europea Microfusioni Aerospaziali) plant, part of the Rolls Royce Group, designed to build components of the most up-to-date aeronautical and industrial engines of the market has been opened.

EMA is a highly specialised foundry able to produce special alloy turbine blades and it is a partner for several international brands.

When completed, the project, sponsored by the development contract signed with Invitalia, Regione Campania and Government, will increase by 45% the production for a total of 36 million € and will lead to an occupational growth that will exceed 235 units.

Governor of Campania Stefano Caldoro, Defence Undersecretary Roberta Pinotti, President of Rolls Royce Italia Giuseppe Ciongoli attended the ribbon’s cutting ceremony.

Mr Caldoro pointed out: “Regione Campania is the first Italian region as for R&D investments. The new EMA plant results from a strong institutional cooperation and is an extraordinary experience of a South that grows and increases production and employment”.

New Production Line of EMA Plant Opened