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Pollution, Agreement to Detect Damages

Pollution, Agreement to Detect Damages

Detection of environmental problems and irregularities for surface, coastal, and river waters to fight pollution: this is the main aim of the agreement signed at the Harbour Master’s Office by President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro, and Commandant General of Italian Coast Guard Felicio Angrisano. The activities will be coordinated by the Regional Administration of Environment and the Maritime Directorate of Naples.

Specialised vehicles, namely ATR 42 MP with the most cutting-edge environmental remote sensing equipment, will carry out monitoring and controlling activities.

President Caldoro stated: “We have to focus on the damage to perform a targeted action” and he compared the remote sensing activities with MRI, pointing out the importance to detect the pollution effects.

Regional Minister of Environment Giovanni Romano said concerning remote sensing: “We flush environmental crimes out from above”. Commandant General of Italian Coast Guard Felicio Angrisano believes that this is the beginning of an important road, especially for economy and local development.

Moreover, the institutional taskforce pointed out that the Agreement will also implement the prevention activities to fight burning of wastes left in the area known as the Land of Fires.

Agreement on Remote Sensing