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Regional Finances, Caldoro: "Balance Achieved with No Tax Increase"

Regional Finances, Caldoro: "Balance Achieved with No Tax Increase"

The Campania Regional Council approved the Budget of Regione Campania for the 2014 financial year with 31 ayes. A 24.7 billion € measure, of which almost 3 billion for the institutional activities of the Regione, 11.5 billion for clearing entries and down payments, and 10 billion for the healthcare sector. Regional Minister for Budget Gaetano Giancane spoke about a document to be proud of that is able to combine financial stability and rigour without increasing taxes, such as the additional IRAP and IRPEF that were supposed to increase the budget but would have depressed Campania economy. To conclude his speech before the Council, Mr Giancane said that this budget gives Italy practical outcomes resulting from the commitment of Regione Campania, able to rebalance healthcare, plan forestry, start the financial re-balancing of the integrated water cycle and to carry out actions concerning transport and environment without increasing regional additional taxes. At the beginning of the session, President of the Campania Regional Executive Board Stefano Caldoro spoke about the monitoring of the region by the concerned regional bodies following the earthquake that affected some regional areas. Moreover, the President guaranteed the utmost commitment to assess the conditions of school buildings in order to ensure a quiet lesson restart following Christmas holidays. The President was very satisfied with the approval of the accounting document since “for the first time, we have achieved the budgetary balance with no tax increase”. “It is like a reasonable person that prepares and sets his/her family budget based on certain incomes, such as their wages, without relying on entrustment of credits or donations”. Mr Caldoro added: “Just think of the decree 35, there is 1 and a half billion for healthcare ready”. He concluded: “We rebalanced accounts and these are the foundations for future development conditions and this is the real meaning of a budget to be proud of”.

Caldoro: "Budget with Common Sense of Reasonable People"