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Waste, 10th International Greenaccord Forum in Naples

Waste, 10th International Greenaccord Forum in Naples

President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro and Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe opened the 10th edition of the International Forum to Protect Nature. Thirty international scientists and over a hundred journalists coming from the five continents to debate about the strategies and advantages of a new approach for the waste-related issues.

Mr Caldoro stated: “The Forum organised by Greenaccord is valuable and important food for thought. The debate is incredibly topical and encourages to do increasingly better. It is important to debate and compare different solutions, without any fear. The integrated waste cycle suffers from historic delays in Campania. We are working to adjust our system to the best Italian and European organisations. To do that, the good administration, the loyal institutional cooperation and the support of citizens are required. Nowadays, Campania has a cutting-edge legislation to protect environment”.

Waste, 10th Greenaccord International Forum in Naples