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Buffalo Products, Traceability Project Presented

Buffalo Products, Traceability Project Presented

A new system for buffalo production has been presented at the Sala Giunta. In Campania only, this sector involves approximately 280 thousand animals, almost 74% of the whole national buffalo amount, and companies are almost 1500.

The traceability system was launched by the Regional Executive Board through a resolution approved last month and presented by the Regional Minister for Agriculture, Daniela Nugnes. The goal is to ask all sector producers to join the system in order to ensure safety for consumers and quality for mozzarella produced in the Dop area.

President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro stated: “Buffalo mozzarella comes from Campania, we had to protect our excellence that is appreciated all over the world, to guarantee the production system and food safety”.

The traceability system we offer to other regions that are included in the DOP area, namely Latium, Apulia and Molise, is required to prevent that token cheater to endanger the sector - Daniela Nugnes Regional Minister for Agriculture said. “The only defect is the non-compulsoriness, it is a voluntary system but we want to give a message, we are supplying a system and those who do not join it have to explain their choice. These regulations add transparency to the sector of buffalo products and solve problems already known 30 years ago to the sector operators”. How does the system work? After the company code has been inserted on the following website, the breeder will have to insert the production data of the buffalo milk and the names of the dairies that will buy it; if all the breeders join the system, we will know exactly not only how much buffalo milk is produced but also those who buy and process it.

Moreover, during the press conference, another project with the aim of creating a buffalo DNA barcoding has been presented. A genetic barcode for each single buffalo breed through hair, blood and curd samples that will make it possible to identify breeds and store their genetic information in order to detect possible presence of milk that is not coming from that area, to get real DOP buffalo mozzarella”.