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Fisheries, Call for Proposals for More than 9 Million Euros Published

Fisheries, Call for Proposals for More than 9 Million Euros Published

Call for Proposals for the European Fund for Fisheries have been published with almost 9 million Euros addressing fisheries sector. Particularly, measure 3.1 has been adopted allocating 3 million and a half Euros for fisheries management plans in Campania. It is a tool for fisheries cooperatives and producer organizations to plan activities together with recognized Research Bodies that will follow all the project implementation stages.

A tool consistent with a Community policy that addresses an activity planning respectful of the sea resources.

Under the measure 3.3, more than 3 million and a half Euros have been allocated to fund adjustment actions of existing ports. Out of these funds, 500 thousand Euros will fund the equipment of regional landing sites selected by the Public Maritime Domain. This is where, after having created supporting facilities, it will be possible to buy directly from fishermen local fishing products. A double advantage both for workers and for consumers who will be guaranteed more both for quality and for prices.

The Call for Proposals for measure 1.5 is open again with a financial appropriation of 1 million and 200 thousand Euros for one-off economic grants for unemployed fishermen or for those who want to leave the sector cancelling themselves from the Register of Sea Fishermen, a stimulus to enhance generational turnover. A further amount of 500 thousand Euros has been allocated under measure 1.3 to fund the upgrading of existing fishing vessels in order to improve safety on board and working conditions.

Daniela Nugnes Regional Minister for Agriculture, Hunting and Fisheries stated: “Fisheries sector is strategic for our region and for local economy; our attention towards this field is shown through these calls”. Obviously as only recently appointed for Fisheries, I will discuss with sector organizations about future policies and actions - the Regional Minister added. “Calls are only a first step which will be followed by a debate with the sector associations and trade unions to lay foundations for a new planning, bearing in mind also what has been done to date – Ms. Nugnes added.