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Rural Development Plan, Agea Resumes Payments

Rural Development Plan, Agea Resumes Payments

Agea has today resumed payments for rural development Plans in Campania, as stated by the Implementing Body of the Ministry for Agriculture the day after the signature by Minister Nunzia De Girolamo of the ministerial decree to fully implement Cipe (Interministerial Economic Planning Committee) resolutions 82/2012 and to resume payments previously blocked due to regional co-funding share depletion.

Minister De Girolamo stated: “The release is a concrete answer to the sector liquidity problems and it helps speeding up procedures of Community funds expenditure with decommitment risk”. She explained: “To reach this agreement, it was necessary to conclude all rural development plan financial re-modulation, approved by EU Commission after the solidarity contribution for Emilia Romagna and Abruzzo affected by 2012 and 2009 earthquakes”.

“With the same decree, we implemented also the Special VAT Fund, set up to the paying bodies for all Regions that have given special importance to investments done by public bodies under the rural development programme for the period 2007-2013, and EU fund re-planning procedures are simplified too”.

“It was a big satisfaction ” for Campania Regional Minister for Agriculture Daniela Nugnes. It is doubtless fresh air for all the involved workforce - she added. I am very thankful to Minister De Girolamo, to whom I had already asked to act, because in a very short term she faced personally the problem - she continued. The Minister showed once more the great attention paid to the needs of agricultural entrepreneurs, who are able to challenge this crisis thanks to the regional development plan - she concluded.

In Campania only, Agea will release resources to balance immediately payments due to 2,214 beneficiaries for a total amount of about 36 million Euros. This amount will be available from next Thursday, as reported by Agea, to leave one and three working days respectively to Banca di Italia and the Treasurer’s Office due to bank procedures. Agea Director Guido Tampieri, gave his thanks to the staff “for the promptness of implementation of the Decree signed by Minister De Girolamo”.