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Civil Protection, New Regional System Introduced

Civil Protection, New Regional System Introduced

Regional Minister for Civil Protection of Campania Edoardo Cosenza participated in the meeting of the regional partnership taskforce chaired by Luciano Schifone about the development of the regional Civil Protection system.

The latest resolutions concerning civil protection activities have been presented during the meeting: funding of municipal plans of civil protection, the 19 million € allocation for the mitigation of earthquake risk through the implementation of interventions both on public and private buildings and the seismic micro-zoning, the settlement of local units composed of groups of volunteers and experts trained to prevent the hydrogeological and flood-related events, the use of 14 million € for infrastructure necessary for mixed operational Centres, the development of reference frameworks, drafted by the Basin Authorities for the hydrogeological instability through advanced maps of critical areas and activities related to the volcanic risk.

Regional Minister Cosenza explained: “This is a new regional civil protection system that aims at being more comprehensive and consistent, considering all the problems that affect our region from the point of view of natural disaster related risks: in Campania high hazardous hydrogeological, flood-related, seismic and volcanic rates co-exist. This is why we aim at developing a model that takes into consideration the special features of our land. Concerning the Vesuvius plan, we will shortly endorse the resolution concerning the new boundaries of the red zones 1 and 2 of the Emergency Plan, according to the suggestions given by the concerned Municipalities”.

Luciano Schifone said: “The taskforce took note of the remarkable work carried out by Regional Minister Cosenza to systematise the complex Civil Protection organization: a general and pivotal re-organisation of the highly endangered Campania territory is being carried out; it aims mainly at the prevention through the re-organisation of the whole system. The taskforce suggested methods to enhance the connections among the several concerned regional offices, as well as among Regione, Municipalities, Local Authorities, voluntary organisations and local associations”.