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2013/2014 School Network Organisation. New Guidelines

2013/2014 School Network Organisation. New Guidelines

New guidelines for the organisation of the school network for school year 2013/2014 have been published on Regione Campania’s website ( They had been approved by the Regional Executive Board last 24 November on the basis of a proposal by the Regional Minister of Education Caterina Miraglia.

The Orientations for the planning of the school course offerings and for the organisation of the school network 2013/2014 are included in the path started in Italy for adjusting the school and educational system.

In particular, as for the organisation of the school network, in order to guarantee an efficient school system, rationalising the available resources and improving their fruition by the citizens, Regione Campania has decided to continue with the plan for rationalisation and modernisation of the school network already started with the school year 2012/2013.

The goal is to realise a governance process at different regional levels, within a broader process of strategic planning, which engages Government, Regione Campania, Provinces, Municipalities, school autonomies, and social parties.

Within this framework, the Regional Administration of Education wants to favour those initiatives which introduce didactic innovation, and which may fight drop-out phenomena, taking advantage of the help of social and institutional parties involved in educational processes, also in order to contribute to the regional course offerings, coordinating the existing resources with the professional needs of the territories through the Regional Coordination Committee.

Regione Campania informs that the structural design operations will be arranged by Municipalities and Provinces through a large system of consultation with school institutions, the Regional School Office with the related provincial sectors, labour unions and any other subjects concerned, in order to encourage the maximum participation in sector conferences that will be called to this purpose.