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Legality, Agreement between Regione and School Office

Legality, Agreement between Regione and School Office

“Promotion of paths dealing with legality, democracy, responsible citizenship, fight to organised crime education for the triennium 2013-2015”: this is the tile of the memorandum of understanding on legality policies in schools signed by the Regional Minister of Education Caterina Miraglia and by the director of the Regional School Office Diego Bouché.

Among the others, the vice-president of Fondazione Polis for innocent victims of crime and confiscated goods don Tonino Palmese, the regional spokesman of Libera Geppino Fiorenza with the spokesman of the province of Naples Antonio D'Amore, Tullio D'Aponte of the Interuniversity Centre Life Long Learning, and Domenico Palmieri of the standing Committee for peace and human rights.

In signing this document, Regione Campania and the Regional School Office decide to develop cultural initiatives destined to teachers and students of Campania’s schools, on the issues of legality, democracy, and responsible citizenship education, and to undertake any useful activity to build a real knowledge of the organised crime problem, also through actions shared among the different existing regional organisations.

Furthermore, it is decided to implement any initiative in favour of the victims of crime, according to the existing national and regional regulations, also through attendance and support to events such as “l’Anniversario di Giancarlo Siani” and the “Giornata nazionale della memoria e dell’impegno".

The coordinating organisation identified at regional level is the Centro di documentazione contro la camorra (Documentation Centre against Camorra). At the centre there will be a standing debate over experiences at local, national and international level, and the development of any useful information, circulation and communication of the results achieved.