On the basis of a proposal by the Regional Minister of Education Caterina Miraglia, the criteria for the implementation of last August Law 98, by which Regione Campania has obtained 18 millions for school redevelopment and safety setting, have been identified.
The approved rankings give priority to asbestos removal, to interventions on electrical, heating, hydro-sanitary and fire-escape devices, and to the reduction of architectural barriers. Local authorities up to 10 thousand inhabitants can submit only one application, those up to 100 thousand inhabitants two applications, and the others three applications.
In detail, art. 18 paragraph 8 of the Legislative Decree 21 June 2013, converted into Law 9 August 2013 n. 98, in order to implement emergency measures for redevelopment and safety setting of state school buildings and guarantee the regular working of school services, authorises, for 2014, the expenditure of 150 million Euros. These resources are distributed at regional level; 18 million Euros are destined to Regione Campania.
The resources will be allocated to local authorities owning buildings used for school services, through Decree of the Ministry of Education, University and Research, and on the basis of the rankings presented by Regions by 15 October 2013.
Local authorities must submit executive projects which can be immediately put into action for safety setting, refurbishment, and supplementary maintenance of school buildings to Regions by 15 September 2013.
The failed transmission of the rankings by the Regions by 15 October 2013 will cause the loss of the funding assignment.